About Walt Pins
Over the years of collecting Disney Pins, our friends, family, and even strangers would approach asking to buy specific pins from us. We often would say no, otherwise, we'd risk selling pins that we were absolutely in love with. We were what you’d call ultimate Disney fans! But that's changed (not the ultimate Disney fans) ...So you're probably asking, why would you sell them now? That's a great question!
After many discussions, made the decision that it was our time to give back to others and share the love to so many in the community. Especially because we have access to some of the most difficult to find Disney collector pins. We took a leap of faith, started a website (only allowing 10 friends to join) and next thing we knew we had a waitlist the same day.
We are now the leading fan club for exclusive (both easy and hard to find) Disney pins. WaltPins has allowed us the freedom to do what we love, all day, every day!
We'd like to thank each and every one of you for making WaltPins the best pin club online for Disney fans all around the world - we couldn't do it without you!
Are you ready to join the family?